Jeremy Pyles and his wife started a humble design company in 2003 called Niche. They soon found that their glass-blown lighting was flying off the shelves, and they refocused their business on blown glass for the hospitality and residential industries. Niche doubled in size each year from 2003 to 2008, and it continues to grow at a rapid pace. However, as the main product designer, Pyles was pulled away more each day from designing new blockbuster products and into the bill payment and financial management of his booming company. Even more, Pyles needed time to be a husband and father of two.
Pyles needed a way to streamline his bookkeeping so he could focus on making the great products that were growing his company. He needed a trustworthy option, which cancelled out the idea of throwing a new hire into the mix. He already used QuickBooks to manage inventory, but without workflow capabilities to have others approve and pay bills, Pyles’ accounts payable hat was becoming a full-time helmet.
Every option was on the table for Pyles as the pressure was mounting to stay focused on design. He tried the online bill payment from his bank, but ran into issues with routing numbers and not having enough overall management. Pyles’ web searching led him to a BILL YouTube video, and after a short-test drive he immediately fell in love with the service.
To ensure Niche’s financial future, Pyles and his wife maintained oversight of reviewing and approving vendor bills on BILL. They integrated QuickBooks with BILL, and brought an assistant in to manage smaller daily bills like shipping and other administrative tasks.
With so much at stake, BILL not only changed Niche’s business, it changed Jeremy’s life. Jeremy’s time on accounts payable went from 20 hours per week to 2. This meant more time during the day for customers rather than bills, and more time on weekends for his family. With 48-hour payment turnaround, relationships with vendors improved and Jeremy gained real-time cash flow oversight. New contractors were added in easily, and Jeremy finally broke free from the paper check hassles he hated – losing checks, double sending, stopping payments, etc.
Jeremy notes the BILL relationship feels similar to doing business with family, and the company works closely with BILL developers to solve new and unique challenges.
“As a small business owner, BILL not only saves me time and money, but it gave me my life back!”
Design, E-Commerce
Beacon, NY