What is a virtual card?

A virtual card is a unique 16-digit card number that’s digitally-generated and tied to your account. You can use a virtual card for online payments everywhere. This keeps your real card number protected, and gives you better control.

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Create as many virtual cards as your business needs, for free

Set up a virtual card

Freeze individual cards

Send payments with extra control

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Manage subscription spend in one place

Never go over budget with vendors again. Create a unique subscription card for each vendor your company uses and limit available funds. Card limits reset each month so you don’t miss vendor payments, and you won’t get charged extra either.

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Get visibility into every online purchase

The BILL Spend & Expense platform shows you every time an employee swipes their credit card—and this includes virtual spend. No more printing out digital receipts or filing an expense report for every recurring payment. With virtual cards, you still get real-time visibility into every transaction—as it happens.

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Prevent fraud
in a few clicks

BILL Spend & Expense virtual cards help protect you from vendor overcharges and compromised accounts. The old way involved paying hundreds of vendors with a single corporate card, leaving your business constantly at risk. Now, you can have a card for every vendor.

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The BILL Spend & Expense Chrome Extension

Physical cards, virtual cards, contactless payment options, and BILL’s chrome extension make spending with BILL a breeze, no matter how you’re spending or where you are.

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BILL customers experience with online virtual cards

“With [BILL Spend & Expense] virtual cards, there is less likelihood of fraud and incidents like card loss will only have minor implications. For me, I feel a lot more comfortable now with [BILL Spend & Expense] in terms of controls and security of our credit card numbers.”

Marc Balcke
Corporate Controller by Noom
Read the noom case study
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Features of virtual cards in BILL Spend & Expense

Unique card numbers per vendor

Because each virtual card is a unique 16-digit card number, you can control how much of your credit line each vendor has access to.

Manage recurring payments

By setting up a unique virtual card for each subscription, you can set a per month limit—and never worry about missing a payment or being overcharged for a subscription again.

Limit spend against a budget

Virtual cards pull from a budget, like all spending in BILL. So you always know exactly how much is spent (and can set a hard limit).

Track spend
in real-time

Like with all transactions in BILL, you can see spend in real-time, including charges to virtual cards.

Instant spend notifications

When someone spends on a virtual card, they get an instant notification to correctly fill out custom fields that you need for accounting.

Set limits to reduce exposure

Virtual cards let you determine exactly how much exposure you have with individual vendors. With spend limits, forced expiration dates, and the ability to create unique cards for every merchant, you have more control over how much vendors can charge you.

Freeze individual cards as needed

Because each virtual card has a unique 16-digit card number, you can freeze or delete an individual virtual card any time—and leave the rest of your cards active.

A card for
each vendor

Make sure you never get overcharged and easily manage recurring subscriptions with set limits and a unique virtual card for each of your vendors.

Commonly asked virtual card questions

What are the benefits of virtual cards for business?
Virtual cards are more secure, prevent vendor fraud, limit your risk with subscriptions, and help control spending.
When should businesses consider using virtual cards?
Businesses should use virtual cards whenever they shop online, make a one-time purchase, or pay for subscriptions.
Can you use virtual credit cards in-store?
Virtual cards are designed for online payment, but can be used over the phone or in stores where card numbers can be manually entered.
Are virtual cards safe?
Virtual cards are safer than your plastic card, because they protect the original account numbers from use. Virtual cards also offer greater control over spending and a faster process for detecting and stopping fraud.
How can your business use virtual cards for subscription management?
Businesses can set up a separate virtual card for each subscription, setting limits on how much can be charged and when the subscription should end. That means vendors can never overcharge you or renew your subscription unless you allow it.
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Ready to manage subscriptions?

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