Where will the future take you? The choice is yours.

The future of your business isn’t written in stone—it’s up to you to choose where it goes. BILL Cash Flow Forecasting is here to help you make smarter financial decisions and meet your full potential.
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From vision boards to dashboards

Optimize your cash flow management with dashboards that showcase metrics including Cash In and Cash Out, Net Cash Flow, and Cash Balance through a direct sync to QuickBooks Online.

Predict cash flow and get control

Quickly generate cash flow forecasts for up to 13 months with historical accounting data and predictive modeling. Predict the impact of business decisions, such as hiring new employees, on your cash flow.

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Plan for tomorrow—today

Choose BILL Cash Flow Forecasting.
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Trust your gut—and your data

Track business performance by comparing budgets against actual cash flow. Explore specific accounts in your general ledger that most impact cash flow, including payroll, AP, office rent, and taxes.

Choose control. Choose BILL.

Align dashboards with how you manage your fiscal year using monthly, quarterly, or annual views. Create as many charts as you need to visualize data such as Utilities or Customer Acquisition Costs, and view the line items associated with them.

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"The ability to curate automated dashboards and forecasts is incredibly valuable. The enhanced BILL platform empowers me to equip our teams with the insights needed to propel our business forward with confidence."
Jennifer Dent
Senior Finance Manager, 1021 Creative

Frequently asked questions

What is BILL Cash Flow Forecasting?
BILL Cash Flow Forecasting is a powerful new cash flow tool that includes dashboards with cash flow data such as Cash In and Cash Out, Net Cash Flow, and Cash Balance through a direct sync to your accounting software.

But it's more than cash flow software—it's cash flow forecasting software. Cash flow analysis through predictive modeling and custom visualizations empower you to view cash projections monthly, quarterly, or annually to align with how you manage your fiscal year, optimizing your cash flow planning.
How do I get started with BILL Cash Flow Forecasting?
To get started with our cash forecasting solution, log in to your BILL account, and select the “Insights & Forecasting” tab in the top navigation menu. Click “Cash Flow Forecasting” in the left navigation menu.

Connect your QuickBooks Online account, which may take some time. Upon completion, you'll be able to set up user roles and permissions, and you’ll see charts populated with data from your QuickBooks Online account.
For which pricing plans is BILL Cash Flow Forecasting available? 
To use our cash flow forecasting software, customers need to be on the Teams, Corporate or Enterprise plans and have an active sync setup with QuickBooks Online.
Where can I learn more about BILL Cash Flow Forecasting? 
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Don't leave it to chance.

Leave it to BILL Cash Flow Forecasting.

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