Standing Authorization Pay

Standing Payment Authorization

By choosing to enroll in Automatic Payments (as defined in the BILL Guest Payment Terms of Service ) in connection with your use of the BILL Guest Payment Portal (the “Portal”), you agree to this standing authorization (the “Standing Authorization”), authorizing, LLC (“BILL”) to charge the Payment Method (as defined below) to pay invoices that You receive from a BILL user who is your vendor (the “Merchant”). This Standing Authorization is your agreement to automatically charge the Payment Method, in varying amounts and on varying dates, to correspond with the amounts and dates of your Merchant’s invoices (the “Auto Payment”). The words “we,” “us,” and “our” mean BILL, its assigns, successors, and service providers

This Standing Authorization is further subject to the BILL Guest Payment Terms of Service (“Bill Payment Terms”), Electronic Consent for Delivery and the Electronic Fund Transfer Agreement and Disclosure, that you agree to at the time you use the Portal to pay your Merchant. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Bill Payment Terms.

  1. Payment Method. You may elect to make your Auto Payments in the Portal using a credit, debit, or charge card account (collectively, a “Payment Card”), or a demand deposit account (a “Payment Account”).
  2. Date. This authorization is valid as of the date you elect the option for this Standing Authorization for all future and pending invoices from your Merchant through the Portal.
  3. Scope of Authorization. This Standing Authorization remains in place until revoked by you, we terminate or suspend your access to the Portal, or your Payment Method is closed or canceled by the bank or a provider.
  4. Payment Card Authorization and Processing Terms. If you elect to fund your Auto Payments using a Payment Card, each time your Merchant sends an invoice to you through BILL we will initiate the steps required to debit or credit your Payment Card as applicable, which may include transmitting your Standing Authorization along with applicable card data to card processing entities and through the applicable card network (hereinafter referred to as “Process the Payment Card”).
  5. Payment Account EFT Authorization and Processing Terms. When you elect to fund your Auto Payments using a Payment Account, each time your Merchant sends an invoice to you through Bill, we will initiate an electronic fund transfer (“EFT”) to debit the Payment Account designated for this use.
  6. Affirmative Action Required for Subsequent Payments. Your consent to paying your Merchant and agreement to the Bill Payment Terms and Privacy Policy are made when you affirmatively elect to do so through the Portal. To implement a Standing Authorization, you must take the additional affirmative action of agreeing to this Standing Authorization which will apply to each Merchant invoice (each, a “Transaction”) sent to you from the Merchant through BILL. When you enable the Standing Authorization within the Portal, this is your agreement and authorization to us to Process the Payment Card through our payment providers or process an EFT debit entry to your Payment Account for each Merchant invoice you receive or that is pending payment to your Merchant (each a “Subsequent Entry”) in an amount equal to the Transaction plus any associated fees (“Transaction Amount”). You acknowledge and agree that BILL and the Merchant need no further indication from you, other than as stated herein, to make Subsequent Entries related to your Payment Card or Payment Account.
  7. Reinitiating Subsequent Entries that Have Failed.  If a Subsequent Entry is returned unpaid due to insufficient or uncollected funds, or reversed for any reason, you authorize us to process the Payment Method three more times in the same amount as the original Subsequent Entry (each, a “Reinitiated Entry”) without further indication or confirmation from you. In the event that your payment has been returned by your Merchant or its bank and your Payment Method has been canceled, terminated or closed and is not longer available to credit, then you authorize us to return the amount of the reversed funds to you, less any reasonable administrative or processing fees, in the form of a check, for deposit only, sent to you via USPS mail at the most recently provided mailing address we have on file for you, within ninety (90) days of our receipt of the reversed funds.
  8. Error Correction Authorization. You also authorize us to correct any error we make in completing a Payment Method in connection with this Standing Authorization, including any Subsequent Entries or Reinitiated Entries, and if necessary, initiate EFT entries or credit card adjustments to correct any errors.
  9. Cancellation. To cancel this Standing Authorization, please follow the directions at this linked managing autopay help article. You agree that we have a reasonable period of time, up to three (3) business days, to process your cancellation request. We may be unable to stop a Subsequent Entry, Reinitiated Entry, or other actions corresponding to a Transaction Amount that you have already made.
  10. Termination. We may terminate this Standing Authorization if your Payment Method is rejected by your financial institution or for any other reason without notice to you.
  11. Payment Method Certification. You certify that you are an authorized signer on any Payment Account or as applicable any Payment Card you associate with or a Standing Authorization. You agree not to dispute any payment we initiate, provided the payment corresponds to the terms of your Standing Authorization. You agree to notify us in writing of any changes in your Payment Method by contacting our customer support portal at least three (3) business days prior to the next payment due date.
  12. Authorization Received. You acknowledge that you have received a completed copy of this Standing Authorization for your records which was provided to you in a link with the payment confirmation associated with the first Transaction associated with your Standing Authorization election.