How to pitch BILL to clients

You’ve developed a marketing strategy for your firm. Now, it’s time to pitch BILL to your clients. Here's how.

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At this point, you’ve done a lot of work to develop a sound marketing strategy for your firm. You’ve identified your story, your ideal client profile, and your services packages. You’ve also tackled key messaging and positioning.

Now it’s time to pitch BILL to your clients.

To do this effectively, you’ll need to apply a few proven tactics for reaching your target audience, engaging them, and drawing them in.

Strategies and content to consider

To sell your services, whether to prospective or existing clients, a sound strategy is to convince them of your expertise in a given area—for example, bill pay or spend management services. As the expert, you’ll identify the client’s main challenges as well as the long list of benefits they’ll experience with the right services package and solution.  

The best way to showcase your expertise is through content. Consider all the suggestions below as you create a program to successfully pitch BILL and bill pay to clients.

Share on social media

Social media is a buzzing beehive of customer interaction. Leverage your firm’s social media channels to highlight how your clients can benefit from BILL. Provide links to your firm’s BILL landing page or share quick BILL facts and tips. 

The biggest tip for social media: Don’t just sell—share and educate as well. Consider other content clients might find useful by reviewing external resources, like BILL’s blog, where you’ll find many SMB-focused articles and more.

Here are a few social media DOs and DON’Ts to get you started.

  • DO: Consider using the 70-20-10 posting model. This means 70% of your content should add value to your readers and help build brand recognition, 20% should be shared content from relevant sources (such as the BILL blog), and 10% should be promotional content with clear calls to action.
  • DO: Take the time to listen to the activity on the social media networks you've chosen. See what works, what people discuss, what they interact with, and what your audience needs before jumping in.
  • DO: Post links to your blog content so your audience can consume and learn more about your firm.
  • DO: Interact with and engage your audience. Social media is about being social and will help build a comfortable, low-pressure atmosphere where clients can connect with your firm.
  • DO: Use various types of media (pictures, video, gifs) to catch your audience’s attention. Images and video greatly increase engagement, so take advantage whenever you can.
  • DON’T: Just repeat the same posts and content across your social networks. Choose your networks based on where your audience is and then tailor your content to the expectations on that social media channel.
  • DON’T: Just share sales-heavy content. Consider sharing more thought leadership content to show your firm is current on the latest trends and industry news.
  • DON’T: Become “just another accounting firm” vying for client business. Highlight staff members to provide a more personal touch. In short, show your firm’s human side.
  • DON’T: Use the same images over and over. And definitely don’t underestimate the power of video.
  • DON’T: Post blindly. Do your homework and serve up content that is relevant and helpful.

Communicate via your blog or client newsletter

Do you already have a client newsletter? If so, this is an ideal place to communicate new services like bill pay while positioning yourself as an expert. If you have a blog on your website, you can post content that talks about the benefits of your services and how they elevate the client service experience. Highlight a customer story or provide some industry data to reinforce your story. In either case, keep content educational and avoid sounding salesy.

If you want to publish both a newsletter and a blog, it’s easy to atomize content for use in multiple channels. For example, with a few tweaks, you can turn a blog into a short newsletter article. From there, you can further atomize content for your social media channels. 

For content ideas, take some time to read existing blogs, publications, and community forums to identify hot topics and trends. Then start developing content to position your firm’s expertise.

Some examples may include:

  • How clean AP/AR can lead to time and cost savings
  • Protecting your business and staff from fraud
  • How understanding your cash flow can help you grow your business
  • The ultimate guide to improving your financial organization

Share an interactive demo

Software demonstrations can be very powerful sales tools. We all want to see how something works before we use it.

Use interactive demos of BILLAP/AR and BILL Spend & Expense Management to help you illustrate the software. The demos walk clients through BILL products and provide an ideal visual aid to accompany your firm’s pitch and benefits.

Create a dedicated webpage

If you don’t already have one in place, add a dedicated page on your website that explains each of your services in detail. That page should highlight your value propositions and offer a few screen captures of BILL. Include a quote or case study from one of your existing clients. The best and most successful tactic is referrals, and a quote or two from happy clients will speak volumes.

Here are some resources to help you build your page:

Launch dedicated client emails

Your clients already trust you with their finances and look to you for ways to save time and money. A direct email from you that shows you understand the client’s pain points and how to solve them can quickly engage this audience. You can see email tips templates here.

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