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Crumbl has the recipe for financial control

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Crumbl has the recipe for financial control

“BILL Spend & Expense saves my finance team anywhere from 30-50 hours a month. Now, my departments have instant access to the funds they need to get the job done.”

Crumbl is a cookie company with a rotating menu of flavors—and they’re also growing at a rapid pace. Before BILL Spend & Expense, Crumbl had no financial software to keep up with company-wide spend. The finance team was bottlenecked with approvals for expenses coming from every department, and the company wasn’t slowing down.

Enter BILL Spend & Expense.

“BILL Spend & Expense saves my finance team anywhere from 30-50 hours a month,” explains Michael Card, Controller at Crumbl’s corporate headquarters. With customizable budget controls and access to the funds they need, BILL Spend & Expense makes it easy for Crumbl to add new users at scale.

When Michael started using BILL Spend & Expense, he was able to move the company from four shared corporate cards to individual cards for every employee who needed one. These BILL Spend & Expense cards were provided at no extra cost, plus, Crumbl got as many virtual cards as they needed.

“Because we’re growing so fast, we need to make sure we don’t have departments waiting on money.” says Michael. “We need our departments to have the freedom to take action to get things done. Unfortunately, that’s not super simple with other systems. BILL Spend & Expense has done a lot in helping make sure departments have access to the funds they need to get the job done.”

Crumbl employees use the BILL Spend & Expense mobile app to select budgets, categorize expenses, and instantly request funds for their BILL Divvy Corporate cards. Michael continues, “It’s very easy to add users, give them access to budgets, and make sure their spending is not unapproved or unexpected.”

Michael also loves how BILL Spend & Expense lets him customize control over company-wide spend. He doesn’t have to micromanage every transaction, but still has the controls that admins and budgets owners need. “It’s important for them to not rely on me for every little bit of approval.” This leads to more time-savings for Crumbl’s finance team, meaning he can focus more on budgeting, strategy, and forecasting.

Over the years, the Crumbl-BILL partnership has grown. Michael continues to offer feedback to the product and development team at BILL Spend & Expense and has helped the product grow in a direction that makes his life—and many other financial leaders’ lives—easier.

“It’s nice working with a company that’s looking to grow and improve. That’s what Crumbl does, so it’s a good partnership.”


A data-driven, cookie-making machine that is seeking constant improvement and innovation.


Specialty Food Stores Industry

Company size



Orem, UT

Customer since


Products used

BILL Spend & Expense

Before BILL Spend & Expense:
  • No expense management software
  • Little control over departmental spend
  • Difficulty managing historical records
After BILL Spend & Expense:

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